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Mowlem Primary

Welcoming you back on Monday 8th March

Dear Parents,

First of all, I would like to thank you and your children for your incredible hard work throughout the lockdown. We have been so impressed by the incredible work that has been done and posted on the google classroom and the enthusiasm in all the live sessions.

We are very excited to welcome the children back on Monday 8 March. We have missed not having everyone in school and I am so looking forward to seeing you all! Many of you may feel a bit worried about sending your children back to school; this is understandable. I wanted to reassure you that things will feel similar to what it was like in the autumn term.

There are staggered start and finish times which are included in the pack.

This pack contains information that explains the routines that will be in place for the children when they return – what you can expect from us and what we will expect from all our families.

You can access the pack by clicking on the link to Return to school, information for parents, March 2021