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Mowlem Primary

Prize Giving 2015


Yusuf H (Year 1)
He has made a huge improvement when writing independently and now uses his knowledge of phonics and writing strategies confidently. 

Yaasir (Year 2)
Yaasir is a lively and assertive member of the class. He sets a good example of a leader by presenting his ideas confidently as well as considering the views of others and shows an imaginative approach to writing. 

Jabiyah (Year 3)
Jabiyah is able to structure a story clearly and develop the main characters through description and dialogue and create interaction between characters. 

Ibrahim (Year 4)
Ibrahim was awarded the prize for some fantastic stories and information texts created throughout the year that we have all thoroughly enjoyed reading. He also shares great ideas with the rest of the class that they can use in their own work. 

Sara (Year 5)
Sara has listened to all feedback and her writing shows great maturity. She takes risks in her writing and is always surprising the reader with the twists and turns and the vocabulary she uses. 


Marziya (Year 1)
She confidently attempts new problems using a range of mathematics skills and can explain her ideas clearly to others.

Kurtrina (Year 3)
Kurtrina is particularly good at mental arithmetic and can use mental methods quickly to do calculations with all four operations.

Nora (Year 2)
Nora should feel proud of the remarkable success she has achieved this year particularly in mathematics. With continued determination and enthusiasm she will continue to do very well next year.

Khadeejah (Year 4)

She thinks carefully about what a problem means before tackling it, always checking her answers as she goes and works well to help others.

Suliman (Year 5)
He has made tremendous progress throughout the year. He understands new concepts really quickly and is able to apply then in a whole range of contexts.


Ziyad (Year 1)
Ziyad makes a great contribution to the class through his great ideas and consideration for others. He leads by example and looks after his friends.

Israth (Year 2)
Israth is always kind and considerate towards others. She has really improved in working well as a team and explaining her ideas more clearly to support others around her.

Mahfoozur (Year 3)
Mahfoozur has been working extremely hard in a variety of curriculum areas. He can work equally well independently or with others and is always polite and friendly and gets on well with everyone.

Nahima (Year 4)
She is always very kind and generous to any member of the school. She wants everyone to do well and shows her class day in and say out what a positive attitude and persistence looks like.

Shahim (Year 5)
Shahim is a delight to have in class and shows great learning behaviours. He has a totally positive outlook on life and school, cares for everyone in the class and is always smiling and making others smile.


Mahbob (Year 1)
Mahbo has shown a huge improvement in his independence anda can tackle any new piece of work using his range of skills confidently.

Humaira (Year 2)
Humaira is incredibly hard working and always puts in 100% effort. She displays a very positive attitude to learning.

Zaynab (Year 3)
Zaynab is very keen to answer questions, settles down quickly to work and always listens carefully. Her writing has improved greatly and she works confidently and independently. 

Ajhar (Year 4)
Ajhar has worked extremely hard to improve his behaviour, reading and writing skills. He has shown others the transformation you can make when you focus.

Christopher (Year 5)
Christopher has shown such improvement across the whole curriculum. His writing is well structured, he is very quick with his times tables, is making excellent progress in his reading and is a fantastic rugby player.


Talhah (Year 1)
He is always ready to learn and sets a great example to others by always doing the right thing.

Sulaiman (Year 2)
He has made excellent progress in showing good listening skills and displayed exemplary behaviour.

Shahidur (Year 3)
Shahidur has displayed consistent, excellent behaviour throughout the year and is always smiling and makes others smile.                                       

Redwan (Year 4)
Redwan is a shining example of good behaviour in and out of class. He is conscientious, helpful and very polite.

Mahida (Year 5)
Throughout the year she has made lots of positive choices regarding her behaviour. Mahida has made strong relationships with others and is always improving how she interacts with others.

Congratulations to all our prizewinners this year!