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Mowlem Primary

 Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum Vision - B  R  A  C  E

Click on BRACE - to learn more about the overarching vision for our curriculum. 


At Mowlem Primary School, we offer an exciting, rich, challenging and experiential curriculum which inspires learning, identifies talents, promotes achievement and celebrates success.
Our curriculum offer ensures that all our children become engaged, active and responsible citizens who recognise and value their contribution to British society and its institutions and that they gain a perspective of themselves as both local and global citizens.
Our curriculum endeavours to fulfil the potential of every child academically, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally in order to prepare them for the next stage of their education and their life beyond school.

All our children will study the 2014 National Curriculum for both core and foundation stage subjects.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage children will experience the seven areas of learning that are required: 

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Physical Development
  • Expressive Art and Design

These areas underpin the organisation of the learning environment; the activities provided for children and the monitoring of children’s’ progress and development.

In Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, children are taught all the elements of the National Curriculum for both core (English, Maths and Science) and foundation subjects (history, geography, music, art, physical education (PE), design technology and religious education).

In our curriculum planning we always endeavour to ensure that activities are matched to the individual needs, development and ability of the children.

Details of the units taught are contained within our curriculum overviews (please click to view):

Nursery    Reception    YEAR 1        YEAR 2        YEAR 3       YEAR 4       YEAR 5        YEAR 6

Teaching Methods

Teachers in each year group plan meticulously to meet the needs of your child and to satisfy the requirements of the National Curriculum. There are times when an individual child or a small group of children may work with a teacher or an additional adult away from the classroom.

The key to which method is used in our school is a combination of the needs of the children and the requirements of the subject being taught. We will always attempt to match our teaching to the learning styles of our pupils.

Literacy and Numeracy

All children have a daily Numeracy and Literacy lesson. Maths and English are also taught through other subjects as part of our cross curricular topics and children are provided with opportunities to apply basic skills across the curriculum.  

Our approach to the teaching of reading is through group guided reading in class and whole class shared reading, but there are also individual programmes for children who have not yet achieved at least an average standard in reading. Phonics is formally taught in small groups (see section on teaching of reading and phonics). All children are taught spelling as a weekly activity. The school has agreed approaches to the teaching of writing known as Modelled, Shared and Guided Writing.

Please click HERE to look at the 'Statutory Spelling Lists' for children in Years 3 to 6.

For more information about 'Reading at Mowlem' please click HERE


Children’s progress is assessed against attainment targets and will be formally reported to parents in Parent Consultation meetings during the year and one detailed written report. Informal consultations may take place at other times.

Enriching and Extending Learning

In addition to the compulsory National Curriculum Programmes of Study, the school has a comprehensive programme of enrichment activities. These include

• Residential trips to Stubbers Activity Centre in Essex.
• A programme of day trips, visits and visitors in every year group.
• A large selection of clubs both before and after school.
• Musical instrument lessons.
• Cycle training and first aid training in Year 6.
• Themed days such as World Book Day.
• Competitive sporting events.
• Inclusive inter-school sports days.