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Mowlem Primary


English is a core subject that informs and underpins the wider curriculum; it is the gateway to children’s success in the classroom and in the wider world. At Mowlem Primary School, it is our vision to foster a love of language and literature through the use of high-quality texts, which inspires, excites, and engages our children. We are committed to embedding a culture of rich oracy throughout the school, by the systematic teaching of effective spoken and written language, that promotes active listening and critical thinking skills, which is in line with our ethos of perseverance, resilience, and ambition. We recognise the importance of English within education and society; this is why the acquisition of language and early reading skills are of the utmost importance to us, here, at Mowlem Primary School.  Our English lessons are purposeful, engaging and immerses our children into the wonders of quality texts. We strive to instil a love of reading through our text led English curriculum whilst promoting high-standards of language and literacy that equips our children with a strong command of the written and spoken word, thus preparing them for the demands of the curriculum and the wider world.

Essential characteristics of readers:

  • Excellent phonic knowledge and skills.
  • Fluency and accuracy in reading across a wide range of contexts throughout the curriculum.
  • Knowledge of an extensive and rich vocabulary.
  • An excellent comprehension of texts.
  • The motivation to read for both study and for pleasure.
  • Extensive knowledge through having read a rich and varied range of texts.

Please click on the link below to find out more about the school's approach to the teaching of reading and phonics 

Reading and Phonics at Mowlem 

Essential characteristics of writers:

  • The ability to write fluently and with interesting detail on a number of topics throughout the curriculum.
  • A vivid imagination which makes readers engage with and enjoy their writing.
  • A highly developed vocabulary and an excellent knowledge of writing techniques to extend details or description.
  • Well-organised and structured writing, which includes a variety of sentence structures.
  • Excellent transcription skills that ensure writing is well presented and punctuated, spelled correctly and neat.
  • A love of writing and an appreciation of its educational, cultural and entertainment values.

Essential characteristics of excellent communicators:

  • An exceptional talent for listening attentively so as to understand what is being said.
  • A rich and varied vocabulary that give clarity and interest to conversations.
  • Clear speech that can be easily understood by a range of audiences.
  • An excellent grasp of the rules used in English conversation, such as tenses and the grammatical structure of sentences.
  • A highly developed ability to tell stories that capture the interest and imagination of the audience.
  • A delight in initiating and joining in conversations.
  • Respect for others when communicating, even when views differ.


English Curriculum Overview 2023-2024

English Rivers  



 Learning Journeys

  • Learning Journeys detail the overall outcomes for each unit.
  • Learning Journeys detail the small steps that children will take to achieve the overall outcomes for each unit.
  • They show how the unit builds on prior learning
  • They show what children will learn in the future linked to what they are learning now.
  • Learning Journeys are available on the school website – on the year group page or on the subject page
  • They include key vocabulary for the unit
  • They include details of the key content to be covered

If you would like printed copies of any journeys please let us know. 


Year 1

Autumn Term

On Sudden Hill, Benji Davies - Familiar Settings 

Thank You Omu, Oge Mora - Familiar Settings

In Every House on Every Street, Jess Hitchman - Familiar Settings


Spring Term

The Gingerbread Man - Traditional tales 

The Gingerbread Man - Instructions 

The Queen’s Hat, Steve Anthony - Familiar settings

Recount of familiar events

Caterpillar Cake - Poetry


Summer Term

We’re Going To Find a Monster,  Malorie Blackman - Familiar Settings

Seasons Come, Seasons Go Tree - Non-chronological report

A Great Big Cuddle – Childhood, Michael Rosen - Poems on a theme

Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs - Adventure 

One Day on our Blue Planet: In the Savannah, Ella Bailey - Non-Chronological Report

Zim, Zam, Zoom,  James Carter


Year 2

Autumn Term

Billy and the Beast, Nadia Shireen - Stories by a significant author

The Boy who Cried Wolf, Aesop’s Fables - Fables or other animal stories

Beware the Bears, Alan Macdonald/ Goldilocks & Just One Bear Leigh Hodgkinson - Traditional tales with a twist

Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion, Alex. T. Smith - Traditional tales with a twist

Recount of familiar events

The Santa Trap, Jonathan Emmett


Spring Term

The Great Fire of London: Anniversary Edition of the Great Fire of 1666 - Non-Chronological Report

Roald Dahl’s George’s Marvellous Experiments, Quentin Blake et al  - Instructions

The Lonely Beast, Chris Judge - Recount & Narrative

Recount of familiar events


Summer Term

The Disgusting Sandwich - Adventure

Dear Teacher, Amy Husband - Letter Writing

Poems to Perform,  Julia Donaldson - Performance Poetry

The Dragon Machine Helen Ward/Dragon Post Emma Yarlett - Imaginary Worlds

The Big Book of the UK: Facts, folklore and fascinations from around the United Kingdom, Imogen Russell Williams - Persuasive Leaflet

Poetry Pie, Roger McGough - Poems on Theme


Year 3

Autumn Term

Peter Pan - Adventure stories

A Caribbean Dozen – The Forest & Jelly Boots. Smelly Boots, Michael Rosen Poems based on a theme

 Stone Age Boy - Historical Fiction


Spring Term

Leon and the Place In Between, Angela MacAllister - Fantasy

linked to Fantasy unit - Non chronological report

The Fire Children, Eric Maddern - Myths & Legends

River Story, Meredith Hooper - Explanation


Summer Term

The Spell Thief, Tom Percival - Playscripts

Captain Scott: Journey to the South Pole - Recount – diaries

Where Ocean Meets Sky, The Fan Brothers - Significant Author

Everything Volcano - Non-chronological report 


Year 4

Autumn Term

Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx - Fantasy, Including a recount

Tales of Ancient Egypt, The Legend of Tutankhamun - Information booklet with a collection on non-fiction text types

The Village the Vanished - Stories from other cultures

News Report – Rosa Parks, Black History Month - Recount

Dancing in the Rain, John Lyons - Poetry


Spring Term

The Iron Man, Ted Huges - Author Study

Sound - Science link - Explanation

The Fantastic Flying Books of Morris Lessmore - Fantasy

Wild Animals – An Interview with a Tiger - Non Chron

Where Zebras Go (Part 2), Sue Hardy Dawson - Calligrams and Shape poems


Summer Term

Rumaysa, Radiya Hafiza/ Rapunzel - Rachel Isadora - Traditional Tales with a Twist 

NGK Everything Viking- How should we remember the Vikings?, National Geographic Kids

Kennings/Cinquains - Poems with a Structure

Epic Adventures, Sam Sedgewick - Information booklet with a collection of non-fiction text types

Mr Penguin and the lost Treasure, Alex.T. Smith - Adventure

My Name is Not Refugee, Kate Milner - Recount- diary 


Year 5

Autumn Term

Arabian Nights, Usborne - Stories from other cultures

Hidden Figures, Margot Lee Shetterley - Biography 

The Adventures of Odysseus, Hugh Lipton - Myths & Legends

Forces and Parachutes - Explanation Text

Haikus - Poems with a structure 


Spring Term

The Barnabus Project, The Fan Brothers - Adventure

The Cities Book/ The Travel Book, Lonely Planet - Magazine Article

Future Hero: Race to Fire Mountain, Remi Blackwood - Adventure

City of Stolen Magic, Ahmed Pathak, Nazneen - Fantasy

Tyger, Tyger - Classic Narrative Poetry


Summer Term

War Horse, Michael Morpurgo - Historical Fiction/ Significant Author

War Poetry - Poems with figurative language

The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis - Older literature

Guardians of the Planet: How to be an Eco-Hero, Clive Gifford - Persuasion

The Lady of Shalott - Classic Narrative Poetry



Year 6

Autumn Term

 Pig Heart Boy + Other Stories - Contemporary Fiction 

Clockwork - Fantasy


Spring Term

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them J.K. Rowling - Non Chronological Report

How to Cook Children - Procedural texts

Harry Potter,  J.K. Rowling - Letters – Howlers

The Dreadful Menace - Poetry

The Circulatory system - Explanation


Summer Term

Ned’s Circus of Marvels, Justin Fisher - Narrative -alternative chapter 

Journey, Aaron Becker Narrative – description

Cogheart -  Science Fiction, Adventure

Cogheart -  Persuasive writing