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Mowlem Primary

Design Tchnology at home

Challenge 1: We are Food Technicians 

Learn about the different food groups and what makes a healthy diet. 

EYFS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLS75fLIeJA  

KS1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zv4cwmn/resources/1 

KS2 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrffr82/articles/zppvv4j 


Design a sandwich for your family (remember to do your research and ask them what they like/dislike) you can do this on paper or on purplemash. 

Only use available ingredients at your home, try to make it as healthy as possible.  

Here’s one simple idea 


Check your plan with an adult before you start to make it. 

Create your sandwich with the help of an adult. 

Evaluate it- did you enjoy the taste of your sandwich? 

Did your family enjoy the taste?  

What went well? Does the sandwich look appetising?  

What would you change? What would you add? What would you remove?